Update – February 21, 2023: our webinar was a great success. For those interested in watching the webinar, we have it on our YouTube Page.
Join the ESG Playbook Webinar “The EU Taxonomy Demystified”, featuring guest speaker, Vasarė Krikštopaitytė, ESG Compliance Consultant at Northern Horizon Capital on January 26th at 15:00 CET / 9:00 EST. Reserve your spot: Sign up to the Webinar!
The EU Taxonomy and SFDR reporting requirements went into effect January 1, 2023 with deadlines starting June 30, 2023.
More than 10,000 companies are required to report under these regulations. Are you one of the thousands of companies affected by the EU Taxonomy regulation? Many companies are not aware that this applies to them, and those that are may be having difficulty navigating this complex regulation.
Join us, as our experts break down the timeline and requirements for the financial and non-financial elements of the EU Taxonomy and SFDR.
This interactive webinar, with Q&A, will help to demystify the regulation and provide helpful guidance for those who need to report.
Agenda – EU Taxonomy explanation – Who needs to report? – Reporting deadlines and requirements – Case Study on How To Report – Questions and Answers
Learn more about The EU Taxonomy at our interactive Webinar! January 26, 2023, 15:00 CET / 9:00 EST
Reserve your spot: Sign up to the Webinar!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sonia Zugel Founder and CEO of ESG Playbook szugel@esgplaybook.com
#SFDR #EUTaxonomy #esgplaybookwebinar #esgreporting #sustainabilityreporting