Portfolio & fund level reporting
Portfolio Reporter
The ESG Playbook Portfolio Reporter offers a comprehensive set of tools for efficient ESG data collection, risk analysis, and reporting, encompassing both portfolio company and fund levels.
The module facilitates analysis, rating, scoring, and benchmarking while ensuring alignment with key ESG regulatory frameworks like SFDR and the EU taxonomy.
Additionally, the Portfolio Reporter provides valuable insights into stewardship, engagement, and compliance, enabling effective integration of ESG considerations throughout the portfolio.
Portfolio Reporter Dashboard
ESG is Challenging for Private Markets
ESG Playbook can help
Quantifying the environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact of private market investments is uniquely challenging. Limited data, rapidly evolving regulatory frameworks and nuanced reporting issues create numerous challenges for general partners, even as investors are dramatically increasing their demands for detailed reporting. With ESG Playbook’s portal you can invite companies in to compile their carbon footprint and answer questions from your due diligence frameworks.
Maximize the Power of your ESG Program
Workflows, predefined templates by asset classes
The portfolio monitoring platform maximizes the power of your ESG program by centralizing ESG data collection, analysis and reporting alongside existing portfolio monitoring tools. Simplified workflows for ESG data allow you to customize a process for any investment type across private equity, venture capital, infrastructure or real estate.