Supply Chain Scope 1, 2 & 3 reporting

Supply Chain Reporter

The Supply Chain Reporter is a due diligence tool designed to offer your business transparency and compliance throughout your supplier network. It safeguards your supply chain against risks related to slavery, child labor, and corruption.

Moreover, it provides visibility into the performance of your suppliers, ensuring that materials are sustainably and ethically sourced.

You have two options to effectively manage ESG risks in your supply chain and aggregate your Scope 3 data. The first option is to invite suppliers into your organization’s supply chain portal, enabling you to monitor and assess the ESG risks directly.

Alternatively, you can choose to send individual surveys to your suppliers through a survey manager, ensuring comprehensive and accurate data collection for evaluating ESG risks. Both of which include Scope 3 carbon emissions.

Features & Frameworks

  • Supplier portal with access to an emission reporter to aggregate their carbon, waste and waste-water footprint

  • Modern slavery due diligence for European and US regulations

  • Customize your risk assessment with GRI, CDP, SASB & WEF topics

  • Automatic due diligence rating with customized questionnaires

  • Global mapping of suppliers, products, facilities and supplier scoring

  • Audit capabilities with task assignments

Supply Chain Dashboard

ESG Reporter Peer Review on a Laptop

Supply Chain Sustainability

Supply Chain Transparency

Focusing on supply chain sustainability not only enhances your ability to make environmental claims, it also lets you make stronger sustainability claims for your total ESG footprint, in addition to giving you deeper insights into your overall ESG performance. Having supply chain transparency also arms you with more data to protect yourself from unintentional greenwashing.